When Moms Heal:
A Breathwork Journey
What happens when moms heal?
We stop handing down our wounds to our children.
When moms heal we can start to parent from a mindful place, aware of our children and who they truly are. We start seeing them instead of seeing our hurts reflected in them.
We parent them from purpose rather than our own untended hurts.
We parent them more respectfully as souls sharing a life journey alongside us, rather than from a set of behaviors (ours and theirs) all clashing with one another in a cacophony of annoyance and unmet needs.
We can be more authentic and free in our parenting.
When we become more at home in our bodies, unafraid to peek under the hood, see what is there, and take ownership of ourselves and our reactions. When we become intimately connected to ourselves, our intuition comes to life and creativity flows through us.
We can parent in a way that honors them and ourselves.
We spend less time looking outside of ourselves for answers. We contain outstanding ideas and the ability to parent freely, we just need to clear out some of the noise of others’ opinions and programming. And we need to both see ourselves clearly and greet ourselves gently.
Join me for 3 weeks of breathwork, lessons and prompted journaling to release stuck hurt and reclaim joy in motherhood.
Week One: Witnessing the Inner Child
Week Two: Dispelling Rage and Grief
Week Three: Choosing our Lens
Coming back in Fall 2025 - join my email list to be notified when launch date is set.

“That was a life changing experience.”
“Thank you for helping me clear the weight I’ve been carrying in my heart.”
“Breathwork with Erin is a remembering; a coming home to myself.”
Register for When Mom Heal
This program officially starts November 16th. If you are unable to join live, you’ll have access to the recording. I am so honored to support you through this season. Please fill out the form below.