What is breathwork?
Breathwork is a form of active meditation that brings your awareness from the noisy thoughts in the mind down in to the body. This invites emotions held stuck in your body to release in a safe environment. Once space has been cleared, you can feel more at home in your body, more clear-headed and open-hearted.
During the course of the active, rhythmic breath pattern, we often locate deep emotional hurts held in the tissues of the body and are able to release them without triggering shaming or angry thoughts that can be activated when we dwell in a stuck mind. For more on the subject of trauma held in the body I highly recommend the following books:
The Body Keeps the Score and Waking the Tiger
You likely know what stuck trauma feels like in your body. In response to a stimulus like sound or smell, or some other sense, you feel a bodily sensation. This can be a tightness in the chest or abdomen, a wave of nausea, a tightening in the pelvis, a catching of the breath, or a rush of blood to the head.
These are stimulating responses that are a wonderful alert to danger when we are truly in harm’s way and need to adapt physically to stay safe. In other settings, this is a trauma response. Consistent activation of stress hormones takes a toll on the body and prevents growth of the intellect and deep satisfaction of the soul. Overcoming these responses and returning to a place of safety in our bodies is vitally important for our health. Breathwork can be a beautiful embodiment practice for releasing visceral traumatic memory and returning to a state of calm.
I see this as a natural compliment to the work being done in talk therapy if that is a track you are already on.
What will I experience during breathwork?
The rhythmic breathing pattern in a breathwork session will oxygenate your blood and stimulate the hypothalamus in the brain. You may first feel a sense of lightness. Many breathers, including myself, feel a vibration, a tingling sensation in the body. As the active breath continues you may bump up against a place where the building energy feels stuck. This is the perfect opportunity to move and release what is stuck through a powerful exhale, movement of the vocal chords, and even emotional release through tears.
After the active breath pattern is released and normal deep breathing restored, you will relax in to a deeply meditative state where silence is comfortable and a deep peace achieved.
How long does a breathwork session last?
90 minutes.
We will complete an intake conversation where you vocalize what you hope to gain, and release, during your active breath session. This sets a powerful intention for your personal healing.
After this you will enter a 25-30 minute active breathing pattern, supported by me as your guide. A curated music selection and use of essential oils specific to the areas of your body you indicated will be provided during this time.
Following the cessation of the active breath, you will spend 10-20 minutes in Savasana, a still, rested state as you process the deeply relaxed feeling of having released what was trapped.
I’ve have severe past trauma, is this modality safe for me?
Yes. Breathwork practice, while guided by me, is a self-directed experience in a controlled environment. You will have the freedom to stop the active breath at any time if you feel unsafe.
We will talk extensively before the active breath pattern to address your needs and individual concerns.
We will work together to establish your safe boundaries in this work. Unlike a chemical that stays in your system for a prolonged period, releasing the active breath is quick and you can return from a heightened state rapidly if needed.
If you are new to breathwork I prefer that you work with me in an individual session before joining group breathwork to see how it lands for you. Other breathers will be making the noises that feel intuitively right to them and for you to experience this meditation in a quiet, private environment first is advisable.
Reach out to me by email if you have specific concerns about this I can address with you before your session.
After confronting my own trauma through this work, I am passionate about helping you overcome traumatic events in your past so you can experience liberation.
Do you offer online sessions?
I do offer online sessions.
I am located on a small island that requires a ferry ride to access. That may not be a viable option for you.
I’d love to see you in the studio or online, whatever works best for you. I love the energy created when we meet in-person but breathwork meditation is equally potent in either setting.
Do you offer sound healing sessions?
I do! Playing sound bowls for clients is something I love to do to promote relaxation. I am happy to add a sound bath to the end of your breathwork session or do a sound-only session for you.